My Period is Late. What Do I Do?

When your period is late, it can stir up a lot of anxiety and uncertainty. Whether it’s just a slight delay or a longer-than-usual gap in your menstrual cycle, it’s normal to feel a mix of concern and confusion. A missed period is often one of the first signs of a potential pregnancy. However, if

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What is a Medical Abortion?

Medical abortion is just one option for your unexpected pregnancy, and it’s crucial to know the risks and side effects involved. Care Net LVNM is here for you. Our compassionate and nonjudgmental team will help you confirm your pregnancy and discuss your options. Schedule a no-cost, confidential appointment today to learn more. We’ll help you

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3 Things Needed Before Abortion

There are three steps to take before deciding on abortion. Confirm your pregnancy, understand abortion risks, and learn more about abortion before making a decision. You deserve the facts. We’re here to provide accurate information that will help protect your health, safety, and peace of mind. 1. Confirm Your Pregnancy Details Confirm your pregnancy details

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